Cameras API

The Cameras API provides access to all cameras in the Helios Network. The primary endpoints are the Index and Live methods, which provide the user with the ability to search for cameras and view current images. With these two simple calls, developers can include real-time camera images in their applications.

Additional methods provide advanced camera functionality, such as the ability to access historical imagery that has been archived by Helios for analytics.


Return a list of cameras matching the provided spatial, text, or metadata filters


GET  or

Query Parameters

When submitting a search using a GET request, all query parameters are specified as part of the query string. For POST requests, query parameters can either be submitted using a content type of application/json or x-www-form-urlencoded. See API Basics for more information.

q Query string that searches across multiple text fields e.g. q=south
bbox GeoJSON format bounding box e.g. -180,-90,180,90
polygon Comma separated coordinate pairs. Each coordinate pair consists of the longitude and latitude, separated by a space. It is recommended that the first and last coordinate pairs be equal to properly close the polygon.

e.g. -105 40,-100 36,-110 38,-105 40
lat, lon, radius Geospatial point radius query. lat and lon are specified in degrees. Radius is optional and can be specified in either meters (no units), kilometers, or miles e.g. 10000 or 10km or 10mi. If no radius is specified, a default value of 10km is assumed.
polyline, polyline_precision, polyline_radius Geospatial polygon search using the encoded polyline format used by routing providers. The polyline_precision defaults to a precision of 5, which is used by Google Maps. For OSRM-based routing providers like Mapbox Directions, use a precision value of 6. The polyline_radius provides a buffer around the supplied polyline and is specified in kilometers, with a default value of 1.

Note: Polylines can be quite large for complex routes and there is a limit on the size of a query string for GET requests, so it is recommended that you use POST requests to submit searches that include this parameter.
country Country where the camera is located, e.g. United States, Canada
state State where the camera is located, e.g. California, New York
city City name where the camera is located, e.g. Rochester
provider Camera provider e.g. New York State DOT
limit Limit value for pagination. Defaults to 10. Max value of 100 is allowed.
skip Skip value for pagination. Defaults to 0. Max value of 4000 is allowed.
sort Sort parameter: city, region, state, country, direction, and distance are currently allowed. Note that distance is only valid for cases when the lat and lon query parameters are also supplied.
sort_dir Sort direction: asc or desc (default is asc)

Aggregate and summarize the results set based on the following attributes: country, state, city, provider.

Multiple aggregations can be requested using array syntax or by listing them comma-delimited, e.g:


For each requested aggregation, up to ten values and their respective camera counts will be returned. For instance, if the state aggregation is requested, the results will include the ten states with the highest number of cameras matching the specified search query parameters, along with the total count for each of those states.


GeoJSON Feature Collection

HTTP 200

  "type": "FeatureCollection",
  "bbox": [...],
  "features": [
      "type": "Feature",
      "id": "VADOT-85975",
      "geometry": {
        "type": "Point",
        "coordinates": [-76.19457, 36.82146]
      "properties": {
        "country": "United States",
        "state": "Virginia",
        "city": "Virginia Beach",
        "provider": "VA DOT",
        "description": "I-64 / MM 285 / WB / OL TWIN BRIDGES & PROVIDENCE",
        "video": true
  "properties": {
    "limit": 1,
    "skip": 0,
    "total": 15,
    "aggs": {
      "state": [
        ["key": "Virginia", "doc_count": 10]

View example

Tile beta

Return a set of cameras in Mapbox Vector Tile format



URL Parameters



A single vector tile for the specified geographic area (512x512 size). See here for more info.


Return the attributes for a single camera




HTTP 200, GeoJSON Feature


Return the current image for a camera




HTTP 200 image/jpeg, HTTP 200 image/png, or HTTP 302 redirect (varies by camera)

Note: 302 redirects are to a signed URL that is valid for 15 minutes. The redirect URL can be followed as-is. Do not try to re-add any Helios authorization headers when following the redirect or you will not be able to retrieve the data.

View example

Live Video beta

Access a current video stream for the camera using HTTP Live Streaming (HLS)

Note: Only select cameras in the Helios network currently offer a video stream. Availability will be denoted by the presence of a video: true attribute in the camera properties.

Initial Playlist Request

The initial playlist should be requested using the following format:


Media and Chunked Playlists

HLS clients should automatically request future playlists and media files (e.g. chunklist_*.m3u8, media_*.ts) using the following format:



HTTP 200 application/, HTTP 200 video/MP2T


Return the image times available for a given camera in the media cache. The media cache contains all recent images archived by Helios, either for internal analytics or for end user recording purposes.



Query String Parameters

time Starting image timestamp, specified in UTC as an ISO 8601 string (e.g. 2014-08-01 or 2014-08-01T12:34:56.000Z).
limit Number of images to be returned, up to a max of 500.


HTTP 200
  total: 500,
  times: [

View example

Show Image

Return a single image from the media cache. The media cache contains all recent images archived by Helios, either for internal analytics or for end user recording purposes.



URL Parameters

id Camera ID
time Image time, specified in UTC as an ISO 8601 string (e.g. 2017-08-01 or 2017-08-01T12:34:56.000Z). The image with the closest matching timestamp will be returned.


HTTP 302 redirect to a signed URL where the camera image can be retrieved. The signed URL is valid for 15 minutes.

Note: The redirect URL can be followed as-is since it is a signed URL. Do not try to re-add any Helios authorization headers when following the redirect or you will not be able to retrieve the data.

View example